Burmese is offered from Cornell by Professor Yu Yu Khaing. For more information, please contact yk696@cornell.edu.
Course Offerings
Elementary Burmese
This course is designed to give beginning learners a solid foundation in reading and writing Burmese. Reading and writing skills are essential first steps to learning the language, and this is the only course where you will learn the script. You will also learn some basic spoken Burmese and important grammatical concepts. Some of the assignments are completed online using interactive video and audio materials.
Intermediate Burmese
This course is for you if you have taken elementary Burmese at Cornell or learned some Burmese elsewhere and know how to read and write Burmese script. You will continue learning all major aspects of the language at the intermediate level, including reading and understanding formal-style texts. Some of the assignments are completed online using interactive video and audio materials.
Advanced Burmese
This course is taught at the advanced level with focus on further development of all four skills. All materials used in the course are authentic Burmese stories, current event reports, radio plays, etc. The particular materials used in any given year may vary depending on the proficiency level of the students. For students who are involved in Burma/Myanmar related research, their projects may also become part of the course.
For class times and locations, please see the Schedule page.